Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004 Saint-Martin Bookshop

Foss Perkins

Perkins Foss - Where Gods and Mortals Meet - Snoeck 2004

Ed. by Perkins Foss
Foreword by Peter Ekeh
With contributions of G.G. Darah, Michael Y. Nabofa, Tanure Ojaide, Bruce Onobrakpeya, John Picton and appendices by Ikpama Aduri and Chief Oghenegweke

Continuity and renewal in Urhobo Art
Published in conjunction with an exhibition of the same title organized by the Museum of African Art, New York.

Museum of African Art, New York / Snoeck Publishers, Ghent - 2004
151p - EN - very good condition