AMIT LEBLANG - Another Seder
Vernissage & Passover drink
Wednesday April 24 from 5 to 8pm
Exhibition till May 25

In Another Seder, Amit Leblang presents her multidisciplinary project with text, video and prints on the intersection between personal and cultural narratives. Documentation, translation and contextualization unveil the layered nature of a family's mythology. Uncomfortable with time's constrained passing, family members lay out their habitual rituals. Things are lying around as memories' vessels, waiting for their narrative to be shared and become a commodity for future probabilities. Seder is the Hebrew word for "order" and once a year, it is used to describe the Passover evening: "a series of acts involving telling a story, asking questions, and ritualized food and drink" (Dages Juvelier Keates, 2024). Traces of gatherings, crumbs of day-to-day rituals and special occasions surface throughout the exhibition. With another chronology of past, present and future, we encounter another way of looking at the domestic order.
Research and Graphic Design Christine Ivanov
Preface text Dages Juvelier Keates
Camera Michal Luft, Both Nomads
Sound Design Davide Paollio
Special Thanks to Rune Pauwels, Nathan Gotlib, EAJS, UPJB
With the support of the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie
Amit Leblang (1994) is a multidisciplinary artist based in Brussels. Her artistic and research practices share an accumulation methodology; moments, found by chance or contrived, serve as raw material for the practice. She grapples with power relations, where the banal and the voyeuristic interface with heightened performativity. The consequent pieces are either significantly directed and conscious or the opposite, undirected, with the enactment moment emphasized, keeping a "documentary" feel.
Leblang's work was presented in multiple international contexts, among them The Artist's House Gallery (Jerusalem, IL), Artspace Gallery (Tel-Aviv Yafo, IL), Kunsthalle Luzern (CH), AIR Vallauirs (FR), Former Project Space (BE), MOROHO (BE), LEVEL 5 and UPJB (BE). She worked as an artist in residency in Vallauris (FR), Tropicana (BE), Frans Masereel Centrum (Kasterlee, BE), and GC Nekkesrdal (Laken, BE).