LARA VIOLETTA - Violet Papers

Issue 01 “What’s Inside”
Magazine Launch Friday May 3, 6PM

Violet Papers is a print-run only publication created by internet presence Lara Violetta. The first “What’s Inside” issue touches upon our era where the digital arena is dedicated to letting people in, provoking the ways of oversharing and parasocial relationships. As history has proven: the true allure lies in the stories of the Other. And if you put the star in the world she lives in, the rest follows...

With Inge Grognard, Carlijn Jacobs, Jamie Maree-Shipton, Tobias Kaspar, Susan Finlay, MoMu Antwerp, Kiko Kostadinov’s Laura & Deanna Fanning, Gettyimagesfanclub, and more.