Vitrine & Book signing
Friday April 5 from 5pm
+ Pasta al nero di China
In the solitude of his Molenbeek studio, Bruno Hellenbosch engraved around a hundred woodcuts corresponding to his interpretation of the Decameron, ten per day. This project has been partially shown in various locations in France and Belgium.
Layout by Sabine Dupont, À mon seul désir is told through a text written by Gérard Berréby who, using the multiple sources clearly visible on the wood and his complicity with the artist, composes a poetic articulation that teases out the references themselves and makes them say something other than what they initially meant. A journey through time, creation and merchandise.
Published in April 2023, each cover is unique (hand-pressed).
Eight hundred copies numbered from 1 to 800 on Thai paper inserted in the book, plus thirty-three hand-numbered copies from I to XXXIII, each with a numbered engraving by the artist.

Shown for the first time in Venice in 2019, Gérard Berréby's Wounded Books are relics of an unreadable past. Time has blurred the tracks of these stories drowned at the bottom of a damp cellar, populated by animals… Publisher of éditions Allia, Berrébyhas a special relationship with books, both sacred and secular. Completely illegible, their timeless detour is a reminder of just how precious they are. Temporary exhibition about thirteen Wounded Books by Gérard Berréby.