Aglaia Konrad - From A to K - Koenig Books 2016
Structured and typeset like an encyclopedia, Aglaia Konrad from A to K draws out and explores the plastic and aesthetic possibilities of the reference book format. It indulges in a certain fascination for lists and their cumulative force while seizing upon the fact that alphabetic organization is extremely orderly, but also, upon reflection, entirely random. The book explores this in-between space and thwarts the self-evident integration of component parts in the reference work. Aglaia Konrad from A to K features a sizeable selection of color and black-and-white photographs, which appear here for the first time. Reflected in the images, and in the list that serves as their space of representation, is the artist’s longstanding engagement with architecture, urbanism, cityscapes and the shifting dimensions and shapes of our public and private environments.
Featuring Friedrich Achleitner, Hildegund Amanshauser, Emiliano Battista, Elke Couchez, Penelope Curtis, Koenraad Dedobbemeer, Michiel Dehaene, Steven Humblet, Aglaia Konrad, Moritz Küng, Willem Oorebeek, Spyros Papapetros, Angelika Stepken, Edith Toth, Stefaan Vervoort.
392p - EN - 16x24cm - softcover - still wrapped