Maki Na Kamura - Steine legen, Äpfel lesen / Placing Stones, Gleaning Apples - Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens 2017
Maki Na Kamura noticed the presence of a form with clear contours in an intense blue colour that initially did not fit in well with the rest of the landscape. Indeed this form carries something that is quite undefinable... making it into pure abstraction that can suddenly morph into a stretch of water, searching for the horizon, thus recreating Alberti's window.
Edited by Tayfun Belgin, essay by Julia Garimorth
86p - GER/EN/FR - 24x27.6cm - softcover
Edited by Tayfun Belgin, essay by Julia Garimorth
86p - GER/EN/FR - 24x27.6cm - softcover