Prisunic et le design - Editions Alternatives 2008
Published in 2008 this book was made on the occasion of the exhibition "Prisunic et le design, une aventure unique", held at Galerie VIA.
Famous for its cult slogan "Beauty at the price of ugliness" (Le beau au prix du laid), Prisunic revolutionised twentieth-century design, both through the emergence of an ethic and through its commercial tactics. The book shows how the Prisu style was democratised through objects and advertising.
122p - FR - 20x20cm - hardcover - great condition
Famous for its cult slogan "Beauty at the price of ugliness" (Le beau au prix du laid), Prisunic revolutionised twentieth-century design, both through the emergence of an ethic and through its commercial tactics. The book shows how the Prisu style was democratised through objects and advertising.
122p - FR - 20x20cm - hardcover - great condition