Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009 - Saint-Martin Bookshop

Charlier Jacques

Jacques Charlier - 100 sexes d'artistes 1973-2009 - Self-published 2009

After seventy summers, in the firmament of a booming career, Jacques Charlier has never held the honnours of the Venice Biennale. The national pavilion dei Giardini being occupied in 2009 by the artist Jef Geys (who represents the Flemish Community), Charlier proposed to display his "artists' gentitalia" (a series of drawings begun in 1973) in the street.

100p - 16x11.5cm - FR/EN/IT/NL - softcover - small mark on the cover