Michel Mazzoni - Αστάρια (Amorces) - ALT Editions 2017
Stéphane Guénier - 15 dessins (Être), Limited Edition - Balmarys 2022
Nadia Naveau - Let's play it by ear - Hannibal 2022
Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune - Fresh Light - Arnaud Bizalion 2021
Jonas Hafner - Lacrimae/La crime - Städtisches Museum Mönchengladbach 1976
Erik Lindman - Blanks - Almine Rech 2016
Maxime Muller - Dear Mr Creccioni - Self-published 2019
Maxime Muller - Sadness - Self-published 2020
Richard Prince - New Figures - Almine Rech Editions 2014
Brian Calvin - Leporello - Almine Rech Editions 2023
Paloma Varga Weisz - Revolver books 2004
Jean-François Octave - Immortalité/Immortalité - La Lettre volée 1989
Agrafes - première donne 1980
John Davies - Sculptures and drawings since 1968 - IVAM 2004
Untel - Galerie des Ursulines 1976
Filip Vervaet - Passages - Out of Paper 2023
Olivier Spinewine - Le Pédiluve - Lustre 2022
Peter Downsbrough - Intersect 2016 - Jap 2021
Peter Downsbrough - And then they were - Pietro Sparta 1985
Peter Downsbrough - IF - Imschoot 1988
Dave Heath - Washington Square - Stanley / Baker 2016
Scutenaire & Roger van de Wouter - Il est toujours trop tard - Les éditions de la Serfouette 1969
Vittorio Santoro - Juste avant ou juste après (signed) - Yvon Lambert 2019
Vittorio Santoro - Rhinocéros/Bérenger - cpress 2022
Vittorio Santoro - Man Leaving Harbour on a Ship (in a Room) - Artist publication 2010
Vittorio Santoro - Until Nothing Happens, I-V - Out Of The Dark 2016
Mekhitar Garabedian - Import – Export, Friperie - Occasional Papers 2023
HC, Atelier Brenda, Damien & The Love Guru, Lucas Hirsch - My Friends in Art 2023
Yann Gross - The Jungle Book - Aperture 2016
Anthony Hernandez - Waiting, Sitting, Fishing and some automobiles - Loosestrife 2007
Braak, Lex ter & Bart de Baere - Post factum. Onder Anderen/ Among Others - San Francisco della Vigna/ Venezia/ Gent 1995
Julien Meert - Météorismes - Sorry we're closed / Triangle books 2023
Michel François - Le monde et les bras - Palais des Beaux-Arts Bruxelles 1992
Tim Onderbeke - Dialoog/Dialogue - Le Cabanon 2016
Caio Resewitz - Altamira - Artphilien Editions 2020
Slowscan Vol.40 with various artists - 2018
Xavier Duffaut - Duffaut - Xavier Duffaut 2021
Niels Coppens & Roman Luterbacher - LEEFWERK / ΛΕΦΒΕΡΚ 2019-2021 - Leefwerk 2022
Doug Rickard (signed) - N.A catalog - White Press 2013
Bruce Weber - Gentle Giants - Bulfinch 1994
Gert Verhoeven (signed) - J'aime les cochons, j'aime les auteurs, j'aime les crevettes - GV 2022
Lara Favaretto - Momentary Monument 1 - Archive books 2010
François Curlet - Sea Food - One Five Bruxelles 1995
Koenraad Dedobbeleer - Your Best Interest Is My Priority, So Stop Ignoring Me, You Can't - Keijiban/Gevaert Editions 2022
Joe Scanlan - DIY, or How To Kill Yourself Anywhere in the World for Under $399 - Imschoot Uitgevers 2002
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006
Anna Barham - Return to Leptis Magna - 2010
Jacques Andre - DO iT ! - Triangle books 2016
Carole Melchior - Eleutheromania - Gevaert Editions 2021
Juan d'Oultremont - Alicia - Les éditions du caïd 2016