Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006 - Saint-Martin Bookshop

Cytter Keren

Keren Cytter - I was the good and he was the bad and the ugly - Revolver 2006

Keren Cytter is engaged in representations of social realities through experimental storytelling in which she cultivates radical subjectivity as a challenge to the restraints and rules of genres and language, both written and cinematic. Recalling amateur home-movies and video diaries, her films and videos are made of re-composed elements of the everyday, of impressions, memories, imaginings, desires and dreams. The scripts are part of the stories themselves, and the story in turn is always a story of the clash between a (perfect) script and an (imperfect) reality.
The exhibition in Berlin at KW Institute for Contemporary Art, I WAS THE GOOD AND HE WAS THE BAD AND THE UGLY (a title borrowed from one of Cytter's scripts) brings together seven short videos that are, primarily, formalistic games embodied in private social situations. Their playful treatment of the script's framework is unique; the usual distinction between content and form is dispersed.
Edited by Hila Peleg with texts by Dietrich Diederichsen and Avi Pitchon

105p - EN - 13.5x20.2cm - softcover - perfect condition