Dazed & Confused #21 - Manic Street Preachers - June 1996
Exclusive John Savage talks to Nicky Wire / Paul Moody talks to James Dean Bradfield and Sean Moore
Face to face interviews with... Beck, 808 State, Edward Bunker, Pusherman and Kool Keith + Barbara Kruger special artist's project, Demi Moore photographed by Dave Stewart...
Cover: Sean Moore's eye photographed by Rankin
111p - EN - 21x27.4cm - marks of time
Face to face interviews with... Beck, 808 State, Edward Bunker, Pusherman and Kool Keith + Barbara Kruger special artist's project, Demi Moore photographed by Dave Stewart...
Cover: Sean Moore's eye photographed by Rankin
111p - EN - 21x27.4cm - marks of time