On Kawara - Silence - Guggenheim 2015
Antony Gormley - Another Singularity - Galleria Continua Beijing 2009
James Lee Byars - The Monument to Language. The Diamond Floor - Fondation Cartier 1995
Liu Ye - Leave me in the dark - Sperone Westwater 2009
John McCracken - Heroic Stance. The sculpture of John McCracken - PS1 1986
Jene Highstein - Musée d'art et d'industrie Saint-Etienne 1978
Mario Merz - Tavole con le zampe diventano tavoli - Edizioni Toselli Milano 1974
Bruce Nauman - Drawings Zeichnungen 1965-1986 - Kunstmuseum Basel 1986
Imi Knoebel - Commande publique des vitraux de la cathédrale de Notre-Dame de Reims - Ministere Champagne Ardenne 2009
Imi Knoebel - Kuckucke - Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac 2001
Georg Baselitz - Sculptures - CAPC Bordeaux 1983
Georg Baselitz - Baselitz - Musée des Sables d'Olonne 1990
Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form, by Harald Szeemann - Kunsthalle Bern 1969
Marcel Broodthaers/James Ensor - L'Artiste et L'Amateur/Catalogue de l'exposition James Ensor - Ronny Van de Velde 1992
Jochen Gerz - Was Sich Beschreiben lasst das Kann auch Geschehen - Kunsthalle zu Keil 1974
Antonio Dias - O Papel do Artista/A Ilustração da Arte - Galeria Arte Global 1978
Antonio Dias - The Tripper - Galleria Breton 1971
Marco Gastini - Claudio Bottello Arte 1974
Documenta 5 to Documenta 9 - Original catalogs from 1972 to 1992
Bernd & Hilla Becher - Typologien Typologies - Schirmer/Mosel 1990
Doriana Chiarini - International Projects Italy - Artists Space 1984
Jasper Johns - Screenprints - Brooke Alexander 1977
Sol LeWitt - Forms derived from a cube - Pace Wildenstein 2009
Sol LeWitt - Wall drawings - Chagny 1984
Richard Serra - Drawings Zeichnungen 1969-1990 - Benteli 1990
Mark Leckey - On Pleasure Bent - König 2015
Marcel Broodthaers - Walker Art Center / Rizzoli 1989
Course of Empire: Paintings by Ed Ruscha - Hatje Cantz 2005
Frances Stark - Collected works - Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven 2007
Sammlung Cremer - Kunst der sechziger Jahre - Heidelberger Kunstverein 1971
William Anastasi (signed) - A Retrospective - Nikolaj 2001
Jun Kaneko (signed) - Dutch Series-Between Light and Shadow - Snoeck 1996
Christian Boltanski - Menschlich - Ludwig Forum 1994
Christian Boltanski - Reconstitution - Badischer Kunstverein 1978
Christian Boltanski - Reconstitution - Whitechapel, Van Abbemuseum, Musée de Grenoble 1990
Robert Filliou - Research at the Stedelijk 1971
Alfredo Jaar - La politique des images - JRP 2007
Michael Krebber - Ical Krbbe Prodly Prsnts Gart Jas, Jon Klsy, Josf Stra - König 2007
Balenciaga VHS tape set of 4 - 2001 to 2006
W Knoebel - Projektion 4/1-11, 5/1-11 - Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 1972
Dennis Oppenheim - Drawings and Selected Sculpture - Illinois State University 1992
Mario Merz - Museum Folkwang Essen 1979
Paris-Berlin: 1900-1933 - Centre Georges Pompidou 1978
Giacometti: entre tradition et avant-garde - Musée Maillol - Fonds Mercator 2019
Reinhoud, Alechinsky et Ting - Solo de sculpture et divertissement - Galerie de France 1963
Reinhoud (signed) - Catalogue raisonné - Gallimard 2003
Theaster Gates - Black Madonna - König 2020
Art & Language - Now They Are - Editions Labor 1992
Being Modern: MoMA in Paris - Fondation Louis Vuitton 2017
Marcel Broodthaers - Editions du Jeu de Paume 1991