Mel Bochner - Singer Notes, 1968 (signed) - mfc-michèle didier 2017
Includes a conversation with Sébastien Pluot
Singer Notes, 1968 is a book by Mel Bochner consisting of two sections.
The first section contains a faithful transcription of the Singer Notes, a set of notes and drawings made by M.B. between September and December 1968 during his artist residency at the Singer Laboratories, organised by the Experiments in Art and Technology programme.
The second section contains the conversation that took place in 2013 between the artist and Sébastien Pluot, regarding each of the note pages in question.
Singer Notes is a decisive and yet strangely unknown work by the American conceptual artist. Although they contain the first expressions of ideas that would later prove fundamental to the highly influential work Bochner has produced since the late 1960s, the Singer Notes have remained largely ignored.
mfc-michèle didier - 2017
132p - 200 signed and numbered copies and 50 artist's proofs