Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop
Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006 Saint-Martin Bookshop

Bertolo Luca

Luca Bertolo - The Narvous Method. remixed - MUD 2006

One evening in November, 2004, Luca Bertolo came upon The Narvos Method – English – First Book, published in 1910. The book was intended as a manual to the students of the school which the author—Narvos—had founded in Berlin.

A typical sequence of the book runs as follows:
Who is that gentleman? It is Mr. B. I have asked you something and you have answered me. What did I ask you? What did you answer me? Did I ask you anything? Cutting out excerpts from the book, Bertolo began to view them as the captions to a rather ambiguous story—a story which at first glance appeared to be entirely evident but also concealed an abyss of inconsistency upon closer inspection. Bertolo felt the captions urgently needed illustrations and brought out his pen. Hardcover, 74 pages, illustrated in color throughout, edited by the Mud Art Foundation, Milano, Italia, numbered by stamp.

MUD Art Foundation - 2006
74p - EN - 12x18.5cm - numbered - edition of 1000