Hanne Darboven - R.M. RILKE - DAS STUNDENBUCH LEO CASTELLI - Schirmer/Mosel 1987
As a tribute to Leo Castelli on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of its gallery (on February 1, 1987), this book contains thirty calendar pages - one for each year of the Castelli Gallery's existence, on which H.D. has mounted the photographed pages of an old edition of the Book of Hours, by R.M. Rilke.
When he emigrated from fascist Europe in the 30's, Leo Castelli carried with him the Rilke's book in a German edition which he kept preciously.
Schirmer/Mosel - 1987
NP - GER - 24x32cm - 1500 copies - #484 - good condition
When he emigrated from fascist Europe in the 30's, Leo Castelli carried with him the Rilke's book in a German edition which he kept preciously.
Schirmer/Mosel - 1987
NP - GER - 24x32cm - 1500 copies - #484 - good condition