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Collective exhibition
Opening Friday May 31, from 5 to 8
till Saturday June 22
Curated by Florent Frizet
assisted by Léane Lloret for
igni (fire in Latin) is an ongoing nomadic curatorial project focusing on the athenian scene, where the modalities of apparition and disappearance of the artworks are at the center of attention. Fire can also be dangerous. It serves as a reminder of reality, urging us not only to be amazed by it but also to be able to face it. It is about remaining conscious of our surroundings.
Originally known as one of the oldest palindrome from antiquity, in girum imus nocte ecce et consumimur igni, was also used by Guy Debord for an eponymous movie.

w/Nina Byttebier, Léo Chesneau, Elena Chantzis, Emeline Depas, Katerina Komianou, Robin Leforestier, Chloé Royer, Eric Stephany, Oriol Vilanova, Paky Vlassopoulou, Tore Wallert, Camille Yvert
Shouted poem by Suzie Crespin Thirode
Books from Sun/Sun Éditions by Charlotte Nieuwenhuys and Odyssseas Simos, Ella Villaumié
The filigreed appearance of a gaze’s collection
a skin, lacunas suspended in a cycle
Parables dominate the sky
In 1435, Van Eyck invented the modern landscape
The little glass
seeking nostalgia with the eye
My hands circle the horizon
They are talking about the desert
Another POV from the 15th century
The ideal city by Francesco di Giorgio Martini,
Italian painter, architect and engineer
In its monumentality,
The place of comfort,
The place of betrayal
of the sacred and the profane, disappears
Or when words lose their meaning through repetition.
The ghost of an ideal cosmos
moves between the fragments of soft architectures
The geometrical organisation of the ground lies in its own repetition.
Tore also mentioned Susan Rothenburg’s horses.
Pre-existent forms urge from familiar patterns,
before to change from nomadic to iconic
Where does the landscape start and the environment ends ?
I see the words disappear in the clouds
thrown away from the window
I see you through the holes of an image
After the death of the perspective