Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007 - Saint-Martin Bookshop

Cytter Keren

Keren Cytter - The Victim - MUMOK 2007

With Keren Cytter, MUMOK has shown a visual artist, author and filmmaker who represents a new, experimental narrative style in her work and examines the influence of media culture on interpersonal relationships.
Cytter shows the extent to which private living conditions and emotional bonds are also shaped by the media under the conditions of a society permeated by mass and communication media by analyzing the language of the media and the associated behaviors on film. In order to draw attention to media-related language and behavioral conventions in everyday life, the artist undermines and deconstructs familiar patterns of language and behavior.
By breaking up internalized norms, she draws attention to their existence and effectiveness. With her linguistic and image-analytical approach, Cytter also addresses the medium of film itself. Her actors, who come from her personal circle of friends and acquaintances, are aware of their cinematic roles and convey this in their statements and gestures, while the cameras and recording devices themselves move into the picture. Cytter's work is a contemporary and artistically innovative expression of the idea that life is like a movie.
Cytter won the prestigious “Bâloise Art Prize” (Art Basel) with The Victim (2006), a film showing a dinner of people whose conversations end in the suicide of one of the participants. This prize has been awarded annually since 1999 in the Art Statements sector of the Art Basel international art fair.

96p - GER - 17x24cm - softcover - great condition