At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 - ICI 1997 Saint-Martin Bookshop
At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 - ICI 1997 Saint-Martin Bookshop
At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 - ICI 1997 Saint-Martin Bookshop
At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 - ICI 1997 Saint-Martin Bookshop
At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 - ICI 1997 Saint-Martin Bookshop
At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 - ICI 1997 Saint-Martin Bookshop
At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 - ICI 1997 Saint-Martin Bookshop
At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 - ICI 1997 Saint-Martin Bookshop


At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 - ICI 1997

Starring work of Chris Burden, James Lee Byars, Gene Davis, Jessica Diamond, Judy Fiskin, Tom Friedman, Bethan Huws, Ilya Kabakov, Steve Keister, Charles Le Dray, Elizabeth Le Moine, Siobhan Liddell, Guy Limone, John Miller, Joan Nelson, Yoko Ono, Aura Rosenberg, Michael Ross, Sam Samore, Hagop Sandaldjian, Peter Santino, Joel Shapiro, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Jeffrey Vallance, Hannah Wilke, B. Wurtz...

Published in conjunction with the traveling exhibition, At the Threshold of the Visible: Minuscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996, organized and circulated by Independant Curators Incorporated, New-York.

Independant Curators Incorporated - 1997
95p - English - 2500 copies - First edition - good condition