Proportio by Axel Vervoort - MER. Books 2015 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Proportio by Axel Vervoort - MER. Books 2015 - Saint-Martin Bookshop
Proportio by Axel Vervoort - MER. Books 2015 - Saint-Martin Bookshop

Vervoordt Axel

Proportio by Axel Vervoordt (in Italian)- MER. Books 2015

This catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition PROPORTIO, the exhibition in Palazzo Fortuny during the Biennale di Venezia curated by Axel Vervoordt and Daniela Ferretti, en suite to the highly acclaimed exhibitions from the past Artempo (2007), In-finitum (2009), TRA (2011) and Tàpies, lo sguardo dell’artista (2013). Organised by the Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation and the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, the exhibition explores the omnipresence of universal proportions in art, science, music and architecture.

All artworks from the exhibition are illustrated in the catalogue, each one featuring a comment or quote from the artist or connoisseur about the meaning of proportions. 

440p - IT - 29,5x29,5cm - hardcover - sealed