Paulo Nazareth - Arte contemporânea/LTDA - Cobogo 2012
The book narrates one artist’s travel from South America to the North of the United States. By not washing his feet the whole way, he takes the dust from the Rio Grande way to New York, where he arrives to wash his feet on the Hudson River, before continuing to exhibit his work at the Art Basel Art Fair Miami Beach. A wandering, performanceist artist who seeks to debate racial, national and continental issues, he faces the challenge in a sweet and generous manner, breaking political, social and linguistic barriers. The encounters, the exchanges, the discoveries and the creations along this route explain not only the process of construction of objects of art, but mainly an artist on the move and the idea of Art itself. This bilingual edition holds more than 150 images along with critical essays and personal accounts from friends the artist met while he was travelling.
Editors: Isabel Diegues and Ricardo Sardenberg.
160p - PT/EN - 22x18cm - softcover - very good condition