Yes yes yes yes: Difference and Repetition in Pictures of the Olbricht Collection - Edition Braus 2005
Thomas Olbricht Collection. The collector shapes the profile of his collection, he determines what is important to him, which (art) works are decisive for his view of the world, for his order of things. The collection owes its value and relevance as an object of art discussion to his sense of the significance of artworks, his taste.
Katharina Bosse, Louise Bourgeois, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Larry Clark, William Eggleston, Slawomir Eisner, Jitka Hanzlovä, Kristof Kintera, Marcin Maciejowski, Nicholas Nixon, Martin Parr, Paul Pfeiffer, Bettina Rheims, Daniela Rossell, August Sander, Thomas Schütte, Taryn Simon, Cindy Sherman, Otto Steinert, Jürgen Teller.
208p - DE/EN - 23,5x17,15cm - softcover - perfect condition