Dictionnaire de l’architecture
Dictionnaire de l’architecture en Belgique de 1830 à nos jours - Fonds Mercator 2003
The first of its kind in Belgium, this dictionary is both a stimulating work for the amateur and an indispensable reference tool for the specialist. It covers Belgian architecture in the broadest sense from 1830 to the present day, including the work of Belgian architects in Congo and abroad.
The result of the collaboration of 59 authors, architectural historians, art historians and architects, brought together under the direction of Anne Van Loo and a scientific committee, it contains :
- 700 entries relating to architects, critics, theoreticians and urban planners, as well as specialist journals, professional associations, research centres and public and private bodies,
- 4,000 buildings cited,
- 1,700 bibliographical references,
- An index of 6,000 proper names (people, places, magazines, associations, etc.),
623p - FR - 29x23cm - clothed hardcover with dust jacket - perfect condition