Bruno Munari - Calendario Boffi 1971
Bruno Munari - Il Cerchio-Il Quadrato - Bijutsu Shuppan-sha Tokyo 1970
Bruno Munari - Guardiamoci negli occhi - Giorgio Lucini Editore 1970
Bruno Munari - xerografia - Rank Xerok 1970 (mint)
Bruno Munari - xerografie originali, polariscop, oggetti di design - Modern Art Agency 1966
Buno Munari - Teoremi sull' arte - Scheiwiller Milano 1961
The BANK Fax-Bak Service - Lenz Press 2021
Hans-Peter Feldmann - Ohio #1 1995
Tal R - Selected works from 1997 to 2012 - Nieves 2014
Wade Guyton - 1 Month Ago - Karma 2014
Jonathan Monk - The Project Book Project - Arnolfini 2003
Jonathan Monk - Cover Version - Book Works 2004
Stuart Bailey - Extended Caption (DDDG) - Roma Publications 2009
Karel Martens - Wonder Years: Werkplaats Typografie 1998-2008 - Roma Publications 2008
Sébastien Conard - Fragments - Infinitif 2024
Jaap Kroneman (signed) - Untitled - Self-published 2013
Bernard Villers - Géométrie Variable - Guy Schraenen 1991
Gabriel Sierra - El Topo y la Tetera - Zolo Press 2019
Pieter Paul Pothoven - Facade Suspended - Dürst Britt & Mayhew 2018
Brendan Fowler - ISBN-10: 0-9820559-3-5 - 2nd Cannons Publications 2009
Mark Beasley - Hey Hey Glossolalia (Before) - Creativetimebooks 2008
Patrick Van Caeckenbergh (signed) - Abracadabra - Société des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts 1992
Sam Lewitt - More Heat Than Light - Koenig Books 2018
Alex Farrar - Sweat - 7.45 Books 2020
Paul Lee - Stills - An Art Service 2010
Ulm Design, The Morality of Objects - The MIT Press 1991
Bruno Hellenbosch - A mon seul désir (édition de tête with print) - Self-published 2023
Bruno Hellenbosch - A mon seul désir - Self-published 2023
David Torrents - aiaiaiaiaiai, zzzzzzzzz, bummm - Eumo Editorial 2002
Antiques Egyptiennes - Fonderie de Caractères Haas circa 1970
Wim Crouwel - A graphic odyssey. Catalogue - Design Museum 2011
Otto Treumann - Graphic design in the Netherlands - 0I0 Publishers 2001
La Fondation Le Corbusier - Booklet designed by Jean Petit - FLC 1985
Lionel Wiener - Les différents procédés d'impression - Editions du "Musée du Livre" 1924
Liesbeth en Bie, 40 succesrecepten - Bie Dekmyn 1985
Les desserts de Liesbeth et Bie, 40 succès - Bie Dekmyn 1986
Gift Cards to friends and family
From €25,00
The Designers Republic - Hot Rod #16 2002
The Designers Republic - Latent Utopias Learn Less - circa 2002
Karel Martens - Papierreliëfs poster - 1986
Karel Martens (signed) - Printed Matter/Drukwerk - Hyphen Press 1996
Of Planters; an Herbarium - Cour - Birthday, Felony & Fuss 2023
The Nomads - Caravan Conference / Guest: Brian May - Kassel 1993
CREE - n°30 - Août-Septembre 1974
Ecole supérieure d'arts graphiques - Plaquette de présentation - Paris 1975
Rundschau Deutschland - Various - Kulturreferates der Landes. München 1981