Bodys Isek Kingelez - MoMA 2018
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Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia 1948-1980 - MoMA 2018
Sophie Tauber-Arp: Living Abstraction - MoMA 2021
Michel Lafleur - Révolu: contemplation d'une dystopie - Editions Révolues 2024
A Passage To Asia - Bozar 2010
The Independent Group: Postwar Britain and the Aestetics of Plenty - Mit Press 1990
Els Vanden Meersch - Implants - MER. Books 2006
Eric Stephany - Homeless ΆΣΤΕΓΟΣ - Self-published 2024
apartamento magazine - issue #04 - A/W 2009-10
René Heyvaert - Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Gent 1991
OMA/Rem Koolhaas: Generic City - TN Probe Vol.2 1995
FOOD: an exhibition by White Columns, New York - König 1999
Donald Judd - A good chair is a good chair - Ikon Gallery / Pinakothek der Moderne 2011
Donald Judd - Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven 1979
Domus n°621 - October 1981
Domus n°619 - July/August 1981
Domus n°508 - March 1972
Domus n°490 - September 1970
Festival 7 - Avantgarden mit tradition ? - München 1956
Dominique Nabokov - Apartamento - Holy Trinity: New York, Paris, Berlin - 2021-2023
Pieter Paul Pothoven - Facade Suspended - Dürst Britt & Mayhew 2018
L'oeuvre architecturale de Henry van de Velde - Atelier Vokaer 1987
Casabella N.94 - VIIIéme année - Octobre 1935
Helmut Jacoby - Architekturdarstellung/Architectural Rendering - Niggli 1971
Stitching Freedom: Embroidery & Incarceration - Common Threads Press 2024
Pentagram - Whitney Library of Design New York 1974
Tadao Ando (signed) - Naoshima - Le bon marché 2014
Donald Judd - Zeichnungen/Drawings 1956-1976 - Kunstmuseum Basel 1976
David Bergé - A Walk in High Resolution - Jap Sam Books 2020
Thomas Raat - Archetypes and Residues - Onomatopee 125 2016
Tim Onderbeke - Labyrinth - MER. Books 2019
Maisons d'art moderne - MER. Books 2020
Ulm Design, The Morality of Objects - The MIT Press 1991
Splendeurs du Maroc - Le Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale Tervuren 1998
Wallpaper* n°115 - Louise Bourgeois / Zaha Hadid / Rei Kawakubo - October 2008
Architecture without content - Almost Classicism 19 - Yale School of Architecture 2016
Architecture without content - Neon Palladian 16 - Harvard GSD 2016
Archigram Archives - Archigram - Centre Georges Pompidou 1994
Isamu Noguchi by Sam Hunter - Thames & Hudson 1979
Jean Prouvé - Möbel/Furniture/Meubles - Taschen 1991
The Art of Impossible: the Bang & Olufsen Design Story - Thames & Hudson 2015
Tadao Ando (signed) - Process and Idea - Toto 2016
Brick - Phaidon 2015
Béton - Phaidon 2015
Le Corbusier - Modulor - Fondation Le Corbusier 2000
Ai Weiwei Architecture - Daab 2014
Archi Brut - Phaidon 2016
Le Corbusier & Henri Matisse - Les Chapelles de Vence et de Ronchamp - Editions du cerf 1955
La Construction en Belgique 1945-1970 - Confédération nationale de la Construction 1971