Helmut Lang/Leigh Ledare - The Artists Series Poster - Artists Series 2018
Dictionnaire de l’architecture en Belgique de 1830 à nos jours - Fonds Mercator 2003
B. Wurtz - American Songs CD - B. Wurtz 2016
B. Wurtz - Selected Works 1970-2015 - Baltic 2015
B. Wurtz - Philosophy from B to Z - Zolo Press 2018
B. Wurtz - You know this is how he is - Tutto 2023
Andy Warhol - Dossier No 2357 (The Thirteen Most Wanted Men) - Galerie Ileana Sonnabend 1967
Andy Warhol - Children's Book - Galerie Bruno Bischofberger 1983
Patti Smith (signed) - Witt - Michel Esteban Editeur 1978
Patti Smith - Galerie Veith Turske 1977
Patti Smith - Songbook - Bootleg early 80's
Harold Ancart - Tomorrow - Triangle Books 2013
1969 - Daniel Newburg Gallery 1991
Julien Blaine - Mai 1968: manifeste sous forme d'idéogrammes - 1968
Studio Casoli Roma catalogues (set of 6) - 1995-1998
Dan Graham - Articles - Van Abbemuseum 1978
Yayoi Kusama - Kusama Orgy Vol. 1, No. 2 - Les Presses du Réel 2001
Tomioka Eisen - Poetic Intercourse (Yakumo No Chigiri) - circa 1897
Memphis - Michel Aveline Editeur 1991
Butsuzōzui by Hidenobu Tosa - circa 1700
SoiL Thornton - Choosing Suitor - Secession 2023
Ann Veronica Janssens, Michel François (signed) - Golden Hours - Zolo Press 2022
Vitamin D - New Perspectives in Drawing - Phaidon 2005
Vitamin T - Threads and Textiles in Contemporary Art - Phaidon 2019
Ad Reinhardt with silk screen print - Staedtische Kunsthalle Dusseldorf 1972
Parkett Vol. 2 - Juli 1984 - Sigmar Polke
ECM, A cultural archaeology - Prestel 2012
Gianni Versace - Dialogues de mode - Electa 1986
Pucci, A Renaissance in Fashion - Abbeville Press 1991
Sigmar Polke - Bilder Tücher Objekte : Werkauswahl 1962-1971 - Kunsthalle Düsseldorf 1976
L'art conceptuel, une perspective - Paris Musées 1989
Gerhard Richter - Künstlerbücher - König 2022
SoiL Thornton - Pay It Forward - Montez Press 2024
Jacques Derrida - Glas - Editions Galilée 1974
Federico Clavarino & Tami Izko - Eel Soup - Witty Books 2022
Batia Suter - Billboards - Roma Publications 2004
Batia Suter (signed) - Surface Series - Roma Publications 2011
Ben (signed) - J'aime et j'attaque - 1975
Kenneth Goldsmith (signed) - No. 109 2.7.93-12.13.93 - Bravin Post Lee 1994
Willem Oorebeek - Vertikal Klub - N.N. 2013
Japanese textile patterns - Woodblock Print Book - circa 1900
David Noonan (signed) - Pageant - Foxy Production 2007
Wim Delvoye for Dummies - Rectapublishers/Galerie Rodolphe Janssen 2008
Wim Delvoye - Early works - Rectapublishers 2002
Kai Althoff - Ashley's - Nicolaus Schafhausen für Künstlerhaus Stuttgart und Anna Friebe 1996
Kaiyama Kyusaburo - Kodai moyo koeki moncho taizen - Nakamura Asakichi circa 1918
Andreas Gursky - Montparnasse - Oktagon 1995
Dirk Braeckman, Els Dietvorst - Time is a book - Time Festival 2009
Heidi Voet - Ghost of a girl - MER. Books 2016
Tito Mouraz - The House of the Seven Women - Dewi Lewis Publishing 2016