Thérèse Blondet-bisch, Diane Hennebert - Luchttuigen 1900-1958 & Panamarenko- Fondation pour l'Architecture 1995
Cream - Summer edition 2005 - Issue.01 - Media Nature limited 2005
Tomoo Gokita - The Happy Pig - Decathlon Books 2010
Jan Lauweriks - Moderne Woninginrichting - W. L. & J. Brusse N.V 1930
Richard Prince - Bibliothèque d'un amateur - Christophe Daviet-Thery 2022
Thierry De Cordier - Over De Kamer Der Gedachten (Scriptorium) E.A. - Ministerie Van De Vlaamse Gemeenschap / La Biennale di Venezia 1997
Jasmin Werner - Melted memoria - König 2022
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy - Painting Backdrop Picture - König 2022
Peter Downsbrough - PROSPECTUS - Imschoot 1988
Peter Downsbrough - WITHIN (TIME) - Imschoot 1999
Peter Downsbrough - U SET - Frankfurter Kunstverein 1981
Peter Downsbrough - SET[IN - Editions Enigmatiques 2013
Peter Downsbrough - Take Note - Villa Arson 1988
Peter Downsbrough - AS TO PLACE / AROUND 1978
Peter Downsbrough - GROUP - Coll.Part. 2012
Peter Downsbrough - AS SET - PLATFORM3 2011
Peter Downsbrough - BESIDE - Michael Hobbs 1976
Picpus - Exhibition poster - dépendance Gallery 2022
Claudio Parmiggiani - Liliane et Michel Durand-Dessert 1982
Europalia France 75 - 12 x 1 - Société des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles 1975
Beatrice Merz - il disegno in dialogo con la terra (collective exhibition) - Baronian 1984
Adam McEwen - Sidewalks - Zolo Press 2022
Hell Hole Hope : Birth of a museum - MIMA 2022
INFORMATION (Today) - Kunsthalle Basel 2021
Ulay, Thomas McEvilley & Eric Orr - The death of James Lee Byars - Vincent Vlasblom 1998
Full House - Exhibition catalogue - Mercatorfonds 2021
Ct V.L. Cameron - A travers l'Afrique - Hachette 1881
François Coillard - Sur le Haut-Zambèze - Berger-Levrault et Cie 1898
Oskar Baumann - Afrikanische Skizzen - Dietrich Reimer 1900
E.M. McClelland - The cult of Ifá among the Yoruba - Ethnographica Ltd 1982
Marcel Griaule - Masques Dogons - Institut d'Ethnologie / Musée de l'Homme 1963
Fabrice Samyn - To See with Ellipse (FR) - Hatje Cantz 2022
Fabrice Samyn - To See with Ellipse (NL) - Hatje Cantz 2022
Fabrice Samyn - To See With Ellipse (EN) - Hatje Cantz 2022
Sebastian Black - Local Warming - Zolo Press 2021
1951 - 1991 Image d’une époque - Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles 1991
Marcel Alocco - Origine Nice - Les Cahiers Enseigne des Oudin 2021
Jef Geys - Middelheim - Museum Middelheim 1999
Robert Goffin - Filles de l'Onde (Paul Delvaux cover) - Seghers 1954
€185,00 €250,00
Mon Colonel & Spit - Chantecler - Alice Gallery 2022
Christo : the Pont Neuf, Wrapped. Paris 1975 - 1985 - Dumont Buchverlag Köln 1990
€250,00 €450,00
Karen Tsujimoto and Jennifer Gross - The art of David Ireland - University of California Press 2003
Bill Levner and Ad Reinhardt - it true what they say about Cohen ? - American Jewish Labor Council 1948
Marc Nagtzaam - 11 tekeningen - Roma Publications 2006
Seuss, Dommermuth & Maier - Beat In Liverpool - Europaïsche Verlagsanstalt 1965
Michel Krutt - Les figurines en terre cuite du Mexique occidental - Eds de l'Université de Bruxelles 1971
Werner Gillon - Collecting African Art - Studio Vista / Christie's 1979
Machiel Botman - Rainchild (signed) - Schaden 2004
Koen Vanmechelen - COMBAT - Landcommanderij Alden biesen 2012
Zonder Kunstenaars Geen Kunstboek / Without Artists No Artbook - NICC 2021