Stanley Brouwn - David Röel-Prijs - Prins Bernhard Foundation 1980
In the work of Stanley Brouwn, a modern and at the same time classical conception of art is given form in a new and convincing manner: that art, apart from all the other things it may be, is also a form of knowledge, and accumulation of knowledge. The course pursued by art to this end is different from that pursued by art to this end is different from that pursued by science. The artist's method is individualistic and non-transferrable; art is not proof but an example that occurs in its own poetic force and clarity.
Here are two works: a series of twelve sheets (size a4) each with a felt-tip drawing and rubber-stamped This way Brouwn, and another group of three (sheets 4, 8 and 12), signed and dated with ballpoint: Brouwn '64.
EN - 21.5x27cm - softcover - good overall condition